St George’s is an Anglican Church in the Glascote and Stonydelph Team Parish (with St Peter’s, Glascote Heath and St Martin’s, Stonydelph). We are part of Tamworth Deanery in Lichfield Diocese, and a member of the Tamworth Covenanting Churches (TCC).
The main officers and leadership groups are currently as follows:
Team Rector and Vicar of St George’s : currently vacant
Ordained Local Minister : Rev Michael Le-Worthy
Readers : We have four people who particularly assist in preaching and leading services – Pat West, Rob Ellor , Karen Gopsill and Maggi Savin-Baden.
Church Wardens : Wendy Talbot and Carol Morgan
Assistant Church Wardens : Glyn Shaw and Marion Lincoln
Verger (assists at services, funerals etc) : Wynne English
District Church Council (DCC) : An elected body who oversee the finances, buildings, services, programmes and management of the church.
Church Office : Part-time Church Administrator, Sarah Slater. Usual hours Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9.15 a.m. – 12.15 p.m.. Please contact the office for initial enquiries on 01827 62612 or via email:
© St. Georges Church, Bamford St, Glascote, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B77 2AT. Tel: 01827 62612